10 Minute Nanner Loaf

10 Minute Banana LoafThere’s something odd about this. No, not this particular bread but the situation around it. You see, Punkin hates bananas but LUUUVVVVS banana bread. So it’s a rare occasion when I do buy bananas since I know they’re rather disliked. A lot. I’m told it’s the texture and/or the smell. And some excuse about humans having evolved passed them… or something. I’m sure he’s joking. (I think.)  Hey, I can live without bananas if it will keep Punkin happy.

So this week, I decided to pick up some bananas because I just had a hankering. However, I bought five that were, well, riper than I was expecting, I wanted to put them on cereal or in a PB&B sammich but they decided to go brown on me rather soon. No prob! Because there’s a great Banana Bread Recipe online over at the Fresh Loaf. I’ve made it before and, in spite of finding bananas gross, Punkin will eat this bread up like nobody’s business.

I don’t ask. Cause I have even more “I don’t likes” myself (I blame it on my mother’s terrible cooking skills) so it’s a decent trade off from my end. No green peppers on my stuff, no nanners in the house, 99% of the time. And usually when they do make it past the front door, some Nanner Bread comes out of the deal. Like now.

As it’s been a long while since I made it and I’ve never done a Step-By-Step of the process, I figured this was a good time to do so. Go grab the recipe linked above (there’s a “printer friendly” link near the bottom) and follow along. If you happen to have two or three ripe nanners at hand, it’s a seriously quick bread so you could probably mix it up as I go. Seriously, the “10 minute” claim isn’t off the mark (unless you’re also taking photos and need to make the process somewhat presentable. Then it may take 15.

Oh and in case anyone’s wondering, this isn’t part of the BBA Challenge, just a little side trip.

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English Muffin Loaf, Mike Avery style

Decided to make something today to try and use up some of the extra sourdough I have hanging around. So I hunted around and came across this recipe from Mike Avery’s SourdoughHome.com website.

We’re probably all familiar with English Muffins, whether bought from the bread shelf at the local grocery or, if you’re lucky, home made. And one of the big calling cards to an english muffin is the texture and the “nooks and crannies” you get by spitting them with a fork and toasting, then those little peaks and valleys crisp right up and manage to hold on to way more butter and/or jam.

Well, this isn’t like that.

But it’s close: instead of being individual rounds of bread cooked up on a griddle (yes, the “normal” english muffin is cooked on a stovetop, not baked) this one is formed into a loaf and baked, then sliced. Just like regular loaf bread.

We’ll discuss the taste and texture at the end. So let’s get our ingredients out and mix us up a batch.


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